Welcome to our little thought experiment. We are making a mock government involving anonymity, direct democracy, and consensus decision making. Consider it a public congress where anyone can join, vote, and propose new ideas. You can personally take up the responsibility of balancing your convictions with accomplishing goals. It's a framework for political discussion that aims to make it more productive by sharing a common goal, less divisive by requiring people to work together to reach their goal, and more thoughtful by bringing more viewpoints and concerns into focus before deciding what their goal should be. I hope you can be more honest here than you are with family, friends, and coworkers, but work harder to find common ground than when typically allowed to be anonymous. No account is required, but please get a feel for the community before participating.
How it works
Ideas proceed from discussion, to committee, to proposal, to ballot, to a passed law that can be put up for repeal.

Public Congress

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Polite Discussion
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Formal Debate
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变往往被认为是在社会斗 by Chandona Oct 19, 2023 4:52:16 GMT
Cooperative Proposal Crafting
1 thread
1 post
Information on proposals by Despot Feb 20, 2014 1:18:39 GMT
Proposals for ballot. Proposals should include clean, clear language, and should include sentencing information.
1 thread
1 post
Information on ballots by elhob Mar 10, 2014 12:53:48 GMT
Secure Elections
1 thread
2 posts
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Propose repeals
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0 posts
Do you know what Coercive Conversion Program is? by John Roberts Dec 5, 2018 17:45:45 GMT
Anything Goes
1 thread
2 posts
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Constructive Criticism
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0 posts